Why boundaries matter in email counselling
When counsellors ask me about email counselling one of their biggest worries is boundaries. With no clock to go by you can end up in choppy
Why boundaries matter in email counselling
My personal experience of email counselling
Bisexual vs. pansexual
My Year - Reflections of 2023
Swearing, Crying, Silence and Laughter – What’s allowed in counselling?
My Year - Reflections of 2022
How much does counselling cost?
Why do I not offer a FREE first session?
Do LGBTQ Labels Matter?
My year - 2021 Reflections
5 years of Sussex Rainbow Counselling
I passed my NCS quality check
Gay shame - Part 2
Gay shame – part 1
2020 - My reflections
Are you cisgender?
Suicidal ideation in LGBTQ clients
Who am I? - Part 1
A year in the life of Sussex Rainbow Counselling
Do we still need LGBTQ specialist services?