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CPD for Counsellors

In addition to my work as a counsellor, I also love sharing my experience with fellow counsellors.


Check out my collection of training options for counsellors and trainees.

  • Bite sized CPD Videos

  • E-books

  • Interactive Training Days

With a first-class degree in Education, I love teaching and training and I'm proud to have made training an ongoing part of my career since 2003.


Over my counselling career I have trained hundreds of counsellors to become more confident working with LGBTQ+ clients through my work with The National Counselling Society, Onlinevents and The Counselling Tutor.


Today I enjoy sharing the skills I've honed in email counselling with fellow counsellors through my popular accessible e-book and interactive live training courses on email counselling

Join us to learn more :)


Email Counselling Training

CPD videos

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